Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Week 3 EOC: Networking & External Sources

Week 3 EOC: Networking & External Sources

Some networking and external sources that I would use to recruit new employees for my company would be:

• Employment Agencies – State/Private – I would use employment agencies to find people whom have lost their previous jobs and have experience.

• Schools – high school job fairs, managers as guest speakers, notices with guidance counselors, teachers and coaches – I would use high schools to recruit younger faces to the industry and teach them the way of the field and encourage them in making a career out of it.

• Participation in work-study programs – to help find employees and enlighten students and adults about the field.

• Youth Groups – To help young people find employment in the fild. The younger generation are often harder working and enjoy the opportunity to learn.

• Woman’s Groups – To help find stong, independent, professional women who want to work in the culinary industry.

• Professional and Trade Journals – To find prosessionals in the industry looking for employement opportunities or to move to a different location/or up the professional ladder.

• Student Organizations – To find hard working and dedicated students that want to broaden their professional resume and skills.

• Urban League and other agencies that provide skills training and job placement –
New skills this agency would allow for helping with the teaching and growing of professional culinary skills.

• Open Job Fairs – Open job fairs allow for the opportunity to interview possible candidates on the spot and quite a few at a time. This allows for the process of elimination and if a candidate is liked you can bring them in for a more indepth interview.

• Employees at other hospitality companies or service-orientated organizations – People in the hospitality industry, like any other industry, are looking for a chance to “move up the ladder”. This allows for them to look into opportunities in other companies and grow their personal and professional skills.

• State Restaurant Associations – This allows for the broadcasting of employment opportunities. Through advertisements on the websites and in magazines, you are able to get your employment possabilities out and get a lot of responses and feedback.

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