Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Week 1 EOC: Old-Timer Makes Waves

Week 1 – EOC: Old-Timer Makes Waves

1. What recent changes at the Edgeway Hotel precipitated the problem with Sally?
Some recent changes at the Edgeway Hotel that precipitated the problem with Sally were changes in supervisors, a competitive environment, new market segment and a high demand of higher-level service.
“We’re in a newly competitive environment.”
Managing Hospitality Human Resource, 4th Edition Page Page 53

2. Is it an issue that Sally didn’t follow the change of command?
By the sound of this it was a very big problem with Francine over not following the chain of command. She wanted to go as far as firing her.

3. What are the roles and responsibilities of the management team in dealing with this situation?
Some of the roles and responsibilities of the management are to talk to the complainant and deal with the situation. If she feels as if the company is pushing her out there must be a reason behind that. She has been a loyal employee for 20 years and the staff has done nothing but complain, not once did they mention anything that she did well.
“I’ve given my life to this hotel, and I shouldn’t be pushed out because some hotshot manager wants to get cheap labor in.”
Managing Hospitality Human Resource, 4th Edition Page Page 53

4. Does Sally’s length of service and past performance warrant special treatment by management in handling her current situation?
I feel as if Sally’s performance does warrant some special treatment from the management. Simply because she has dedicated her life to the hotel and the hotel hasn’t made any more of an effort to ensure she understands what is happening with the company.
“Did she receive training on something she didn’t know how to do? Did Sydney follow up with her so she knew what she was supposed to learn?...” “I don’t know but I’ll find out”
Managing Hospitality Human Resource, 4th Edition Page Page 53

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