Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Week 3 EOC: Networking & External Sources

Week 3 EOC: Networking & External Sources

Some networking and external sources that I would use to recruit new employees for my company would be:

• Employment Agencies – State/Private – I would use employment agencies to find people whom have lost their previous jobs and have experience.

• Schools – high school job fairs, managers as guest speakers, notices with guidance counselors, teachers and coaches – I would use high schools to recruit younger faces to the industry and teach them the way of the field and encourage them in making a career out of it.

• Participation in work-study programs – to help find employees and enlighten students and adults about the field.

• Youth Groups – To help young people find employment in the fild. The younger generation are often harder working and enjoy the opportunity to learn.

• Woman’s Groups – To help find stong, independent, professional women who want to work in the culinary industry.

• Professional and Trade Journals – To find prosessionals in the industry looking for employement opportunities or to move to a different location/or up the professional ladder.

• Student Organizations – To find hard working and dedicated students that want to broaden their professional resume and skills.

• Urban League and other agencies that provide skills training and job placement –
New skills this agency would allow for helping with the teaching and growing of professional culinary skills.

• Open Job Fairs – Open job fairs allow for the opportunity to interview possible candidates on the spot and quite a few at a time. This allows for the process of elimination and if a candidate is liked you can bring them in for a more indepth interview.

• Employees at other hospitality companies or service-orientated organizations – People in the hospitality industry, like any other industry, are looking for a chance to “move up the ladder”. This allows for them to look into opportunities in other companies and grow their personal and professional skills.

• State Restaurant Associations – This allows for the broadcasting of employment opportunities. Through advertisements on the websites and in magazines, you are able to get your employment possabilities out and get a lot of responses and feedback.

Week 3 EOC: Culinary Survivors

Ferraro’s has shown negative HR qualities, because they have used “1/2 off Friday’s & Saturday’s” as a marketing resource. They have used this as marketing source towards local people. They are using a Top down approach, meaning they are using a statistical approach for “advertising”. Thinking more locals go to places that offer ½ of dinners.

Bob Taylor’s Ranch house is another restaurant that has shown negative HR qualities. They are living on hopes and dreams, not outsourcing to increase sales.

Metro Pizza is a restaurant that has shown positive HR qualities. They have a reverse UNLV intern. She in turn helps the business understand the needs and wants of the generation today. The generation that now frequents the establishment. I would say that they are using the top down approach of marketing.

Bootlegger Bistro is another establishment that has shown positive HR qualities. They have kept up with the time, constantly changing menu items, and keeping “regular’s” favorites. They also have a nutritionist on staff, this is positive because people care about nutrition and want to eat better.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Week 2 EOC: This Charming Man

The film “ This Charming Man” showed us some prejudices people have against immigrants. This is a topic near to me see as how I am an “immigrant”. Although I come from North America, I am still an immigrant. I am Canadian. The film goes over name-calling, people’s expectations of a different culture and how angry some cultures get when another is brought into the picture. The big picture however, is we are all looking for the same things.

Immigrants come to America looking for a better life. A better job so they can afford a roof over their head and a better life for their families. Some try to come legally and get denied, others come illegally and stay their whole lives, doesn’t seem fair.

However there are quite a few companies that are willing to take the risk and hire illegal aliens. I don’t feel that is the federal government or the employer’s responsibility to ensure that all employees are “legal” to work. I feel that it is also the “employee’s” responsibility.

“No alien may accept employment in the United States unless they have been authorized to do so”

I feel that if you want a job in the United States, do the steps, become legal and then get a job. I don’t understand why so many people don’t do so. Yes it takes a long time, to get approved take your test and become a citizen, but if you want a job so bad, then why don’t you do it?

“There are many ways in which a person may be able to work in the United States. You may seek an immigration classification that permits you to live and work in the United States permanently or temporarily. In most instances, your employer or potential employer must petition for you. In the links to your left, you will find more information about coming to the United States to work temporarily or permanently and the many different eligibility categories for working in the United States.”

Today we still have a lot of prejudice towards immigrants, especially during the recession. We as Americans have high expectations on how much we should be paid for employment, but during this time, that money isn’t there. So companies are going to immigrants and hiring cheaper.

Week 2 EOC: Zippy Airline Catering

Week 2 – EOC: Zippy Airline Catering

1. Are the changes made by the hospitality company significant redesign of the work done? Why or Why Not?
They are significant redesign of the work done because by creating it as a team work project and bringing in a production line approach you allow for the team to make more meals than before, in order to meet new tremendous demand brought about by additional flights.
Managing Hospitality Human Resource, 4th Edition Page 83.
“To meet the tremendous increase demand brought about by additional flights into the airport, the hospitality company that purchased Zippy Airline catering decided to re-engineer the preparation process. “
Managing Hospitality Human Resource, 4th Edition Page 83.

2. What do you think will happen as a result of this redesign?
As a result of this redesign I think they will be able to produce a lot more trays, due to teamwork, but the quality and neatness of the trays could drastically decrease.
“To encourage teamwork, the company instituted a group bonus plan that rewarded the employees for the total number of meals produced.”
Managing Hospitality Human Resource, 4th Edition Page 83.

3. What steps would you have take before initiating substantial changes in the way work is done at Zippy Airline Catering?
Before initiating the major changes done at zippy airline catering, I would have developed a staffing guild, if one were not already available, and analyzed the specific jobs. If I felt that each individual was doing a good job and our sales were high, I could then higher more staff members. Seeing how funding is not the issue, hiring more staff members would keep the quality of the food at where it is, therefore keeping the popularity. Since now there is an incentive on making more trays.
According to this simple plan, the more trays produced, the more bonus earned.
Managing Hospitality Human Resource, 4th Edition Page 83.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Week 1 EOC: Old-Timer Makes Waves

Week 1 – EOC: Old-Timer Makes Waves

1. What recent changes at the Edgeway Hotel precipitated the problem with Sally?
Some recent changes at the Edgeway Hotel that precipitated the problem with Sally were changes in supervisors, a competitive environment, new market segment and a high demand of higher-level service.
“We’re in a newly competitive environment.”
Managing Hospitality Human Resource, 4th Edition Page Page 53

2. Is it an issue that Sally didn’t follow the change of command?
By the sound of this it was a very big problem with Francine over not following the chain of command. She wanted to go as far as firing her.

3. What are the roles and responsibilities of the management team in dealing with this situation?
Some of the roles and responsibilities of the management are to talk to the complainant and deal with the situation. If she feels as if the company is pushing her out there must be a reason behind that. She has been a loyal employee for 20 years and the staff has done nothing but complain, not once did they mention anything that she did well.
“I’ve given my life to this hotel, and I shouldn’t be pushed out because some hotshot manager wants to get cheap labor in.”
Managing Hospitality Human Resource, 4th Edition Page Page 53

4. Does Sally’s length of service and past performance warrant special treatment by management in handling her current situation?
I feel as if Sally’s performance does warrant some special treatment from the management. Simply because she has dedicated her life to the hotel and the hotel hasn’t made any more of an effort to ensure she understands what is happening with the company.
“Did she receive training on something she didn’t know how to do? Did Sydney follow up with her so she knew what she was supposed to learn?...” “I don’t know but I’ll find out”
Managing Hospitality Human Resource, 4th Edition Page Page 53

Week 1 - EOC: My Voice

Who am I? A question I have always had trouble answering. I am a Food and beverage professional. I hope to take my education to the next level by becoming a master chef and a master sommelier. As I grow as a professional, my plan is to open my own vineyard and fine dining establishment. Where not only will I have created a unique dining experience but also prepared the wines to accompany the dishes.

I am passionate about food and wine. I enjoy taking both components and making it into an enjoyable experience for others and myself. Food has been a passion of mine since I was a small child. And as I grew I became interested in wine and how pairing the two to create an experience of a lifetime. Creating unique dishes is something I love to do. In the last few years I have taken these unique dishes and pairing them with appropriate wines has become an enjoyable experience.

Knowing what is happening in the industry is important because it allows me to be a more positive and ambitious person. I believe that having a growing period of school and work will allow me to become a more successful person. I will be able to watch the economy and see if my ideas will pan out before watching them disappear down the drain.