Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Week 10: BOC - Getting Fired

Develop a 300 word blog post about a time you were fired or had to fire someone. How did it happen, why and how did it make you feel. This should be in the first person. If you have not had this experience, you may write about someone you know personally who did experience this.

In 2006, I worked for a corporate drug store in Canada. I was in high school and had two other jobs. I asked to be put on call and possibly have one day a week. My boss didn’t really like me, but all the employees and supervisors did. After a 2 weeks of being scheduled one day and being on call. The boss had removed my name from the schedule, without being notified. I was fired without just cause or even given a reason. If fact she avoided me when I came into the store, and ignored my phone calls.

When my supervisor confronted her about it, she had threatened her job. I feel, as I my boss was unprofessional in the whole situation. She felt her authority should just be enough to do whatever she wanted. Which shouldn’t have been allowed. I had poke to the owner on many occasions and she told me “Brenda is the best and longest employee, she must have had a reasonable reason to fire you.” Not once did she ever talk to Brenda nor did she get back to me on why I was fired.

A few months after I was fired, I was asked why I hadn’t gone to the labor board. As I could have, since I was fired without cause. I hadn’t even thought about it. At that point, it was too far after the incident to do anything about it. Looking back on the situation, it sucks that I worked there for so long and cannot use it as a reference, but I have been able to use most of my previous supervisors from there. It was a situation I can use as a learning resource. I now know what I can do if it ever wee to happen again.

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